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Dear single woman,

When I formed you I knew who I wanted you to be. I made you special and unique. I gave you gifts and talents that are peculiar to you alone. Your eyes were made specially by my hands. All the features of your face and your physique were beautifully constructed under my craftsmanship. You are my masterpiece and you are beautiful.

You are the apple of my eyes. I mean it. I love you… deeply. I never take my eyes away from watching you. I am a Father who gives good gifts to His children and you are no exception because I deeply love you.

I want you to be married more than you want you to be married. I don’t want you to be married because society says so. Or because you feel like time is running out. I want you to be married because I created marriage to model something that is much deeper than a man and a woman coming together. It is a model of how deep your relationship with me should be.

That is why I want you to be fully connected to me first. I want you to rest in my arms and trust me fully. Fully. Do not lean on your own understanding. Accept my word fully and commit to it.

Be married to me. Be knee deep in your relationship with me. I won’t always tell you to do the things that are pleasing to you but I will always lead you to the path that is right for you.

Your flesh will resist but you must learn to walk by the spirit. You must consciously bear the fruit of the spirit. I am here to help you. Just be open to me and be sincere.

Because the man I have for you has to claim you from me. Remember that I give good gifts to my children. Good gifts only. And I have a good man for you. You will soon unravel your gift.

♥ God

*My dear ladies, I planned on focusing today’s post on “things you should remind yourself of as a single lady” but when I came to my computer to type, the words that came to my spirit are those you see above. Hope this is life-changing for someone out there.

Thank you so much for being a part of this four-part series for single ladies with me. Here is a recap of what we have looked at in the past three weeks:

We looked at three stories in the Bible, that of Eve, that of Ruth and that of Esther but focused more on the story of Ruth. This is what each woman represents:

Eve: God’s molding process. He is the potter and you are the clay. Let Him form you.

Ruth: Hard work, loyalty to leadership and a woman with a reputable character.

Esther: Beauty and a radical commitment to God.

My final thoughts:

  • Please read the book of Ruth. There’s so much to learn from her story!
  • If this series was a blessing to you, please take a moment and share with your friends using the share buttons above or below.
  • This particular series is ended but I will continue to write on relationships under the “singles” and “love n marriage” sections of the blog. So hope to see you more often!


About Precious

Welcome to my core! I am Precious Nkeih, the recipe developer and writer right here on my blog, Precious Core. My goal is to show you insanely delicious recipes you can replicate in your kitchen. And I love to tell stories too. Hope you find recipes here that will make cooking easier for you! Check me out on YouTube at

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  1. I believe it. Every bit of it. I myself am 21 years old, and as of yet, never have been in a romantic relationship. There have been times when I wondered where my mystery man is, but then I found what St. Paul says about being single. He said that being single is not a bad thing at all, because it gives you the freedom to focus all your love and attention towards God. It can actually help you get closer to God. St. Paul never married, but he was perfectly happy in his singleness. Therefore, why can’t we also be like that, too? I have also come to realize the true reason why people remain single: The Time isn’t quite right yet. That’s it. That’s why I choose to just sit and wait on God to bring my mystery man and I together when it’s time. In the meantime, I choose to enjoy my life, be happy in my singleness, just like St. Paul did. I am single, and I am happy with it. I would encourage others, girls and boys alike, to try to do the same. Go ahead, try it. Think about your life right now; how many blessings can you see right now? Be honest, now. Sure, you may crave romance, but you can be happy without it for now, can’t you? So, choose to be happy. Rejoice, friend, rejoice.

    1. Amen! Thanks so much for sharing, Lainzie. That’s the right approach to being single. It’s a wonderful moment to draw closer to God. God bless you.

  2. Wow!! Do you know I already drafted something similar for next week and I’ve even scheduled it?? The Spirit is indeed one❤️ Our minds are almost the same?
    Also there was something I learned from Joshua Harris author of boy meets girl and you reminded me as I read this post-
    ‘Your greatest need is not a spouse. Your greatest need is to be delivered from the wrath of God-and that has already been accomplished for you through the death and resurrection of Christ. So why doubt God will provide a much much lesser need? Trust His sovereignty, trust His wisdom, trust His love.’
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful series with us Precious. I actually read the former but I couldn’t comment. Let me go do that now?

    1. The Spirit is truly one!!
      And you, Itunu are definitely my sister from another mother.
      That quote right there is everything. Our greatest need is not a spouse. Thank you for sharing that!
      Thanks for commenting, dear!

  3. This touched me somewhere deep that I didn’t know that I needed to be touched..and just gave me an answer to a question I didn’t know I was asking…. Told me something old in a new way which soothes my spirit..
    Thanks you. …..

      1. No problem at all with typo, Bisola. I understand your comment and this warms my heart. Thank God for looking after us always.