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how to create killer blog content

Hello, my blogging friends! If you are reading this you are probably interested in being an outstanding blogger. If not, please move on to my other awesome pages for some great content that will make you laugh, cry, and be inspired. I told you I will be doing a series to share some of the tips and tricks I have learnt about blogging. Part one was on blog design and you can find it HERE. I strongly suggest you read part one and work on applying it first before coming to this part.

Let’s move on to part two in which we will be looking at your content. You must have heard the statement, that says, “content is king” 1065 times. Well, that’s because, it is so true! It doesn’t matter how beautiful your blog looks or how much you promote it. If the content is unappealing, my sister, people will come and “went”. That’s the superlative form of go. I kid. But seriously, they won’t come again. Your focus should be on creating topnotch content that your readers will enjoy, return for more and recommend.

killer blog content
Killer content is what will make you stand out from others. Killer content is what transforms blogs into brands. Killer content is what opens different doors of opportunity for you. For a start, let’s take a look at some content that you shouldn’t create. These ones kill you literally.

3 Types of Blog Content you Shouldn’t Create

1. Content that is too short
If you want Mr. Google to take your blog seriously, create posts that are about 700-1000 words. It could be a little shorter or longer. However, if your blog posts are five-liners, they should probably be on Facebook and not on a website as an entire post. This is because Google gives preference to posts that have a decent number of words. To count the words in a post, you could simply copy and paste in Microsoft Word and look at the word count at the bottom left of the screen to view the word count OR you simply use this online word counting tool. You’ll only need these if your blog format doesn’t automatically count the words for you.
2. Content that has been copied from other sites
Every now and then, you could quote relevant content from other sites but your entire blogging career shouldn’t be about transferring content from one site to the next. This is because you won’t establish yourself as an authority in any niche. Also, you might hurt others in the process and you might have to deal with law suits. Copy and paste blogging kills creativity and growth. Don’t you want to grow beyond your blog someday? You could write books, create e-courses or speak at events. With copy and paste blogging, you will be hardly go beyond your blog.

quotes on blogging

3. Content that is long and boring
I know I said your content shouldn’t be too short but that doesn’t equally mean it should be long and boring either. You lose your readers when you make a post unnecessarily long. Keep it short and sweet. Avoid writing just for the sake of adding more words and making it look like you made an effort. Make every single sentence on your blog post count. After writing ask yourself if you would like to read something similar on a blog. Would you proudly submit the post to the Huffington Post or BuzzFeed? If you would, go ahead and click, “publish”. If the content is long and not so interesting, keep it as a draft then find ways to make it better later.
Now what kind of content should you create?

11 Types of Blog Content You Should Create

1. Content that meets needs
One of the best things you can do for your blog is to create content that people actually need. When I started blogging, I didn’t think recipe-writing will be a great part of the deal but I started doing it out my love for food and people loved it. That was because they needed those directions. It feels good each time someone appreciates me for helping them make something. They always come back to check the blog because they know something helpful will be waiting for them.
What needs can you meet? It could be health needs, style needs, beauty needs, career needs, fitness needs or inspiration and motivation. Just make sure you are helping someone achieve something.

Use tools like the Google Keyword Planner or BuzzSumo to find key words to use in your post so people who search for what they need through search engines can find you.

2. Content that represents you
There are millions of blogs out there and that thing you are planning to write about has already been written by someone else. To make your content stand out, be uniquely you! Infuse your personality into the posts. Let your blog sizzle with your unique story and perspective. Share the story from your point of view. That is the only thing that will make you stand out because there is no one like you. For example, instead of just writing a general recipe for Fried Rice, share what makes that Fried Rice recipe important to you. Did you make it for someone before? Did they keep visiting you because of that plate of food? Now I should go back and edit my Fried Rice post. Ha.
3. Content that is interesting
My readers have told me before that they do not like reading but they read my long posts and only discover they have read something very long at the end. According to them, I draw them in with my words and paint very graphic scenery. You may have great ideas but the way you present them matters a lot. If this is a challenge, READ lots of interesting  and high-ranking articles. Read from widely-read writers and the thing that makes them interesting will rub off on you. You could also Google “creative writing ideas”.

4. Content that people identify with
I am totally awed when people read my blog and say things like, “you just told my story!” People like to read from others who have had similar experiences as them. Sometimes it will require you being vulnerable, which is okay. Go ahead and share an experience you had or you are currently having that many can relate with. Your story is the key that unlocks others from their prison.
5. Content that is grammatically correct and comprehensive
I’m not asking you to become the Queen of England but at least your English should follow the rules of the language. Also, people should be able to understand what you have written. It shouldn’t be obscure. I’ve read a couple of blogs that I couldn’t understand and I left wondering what the person was saying. Make sure your posts are very clear. If writing seems hard, imagine that you were speaking to someone. How would you say it? Imagine you were speaking to your best friend or sister. Then write it down! There is this very useful. app, Grammarly, which points out your grammatical errors. You could download it to your computer and it will immensely help you avoid mistakes. It is free! 
6. Content with attention-grabbing titles
Your title is very important. It is what makes people want to read a blog post or not. So get creative with it without sacrificing honesty. It is equally annoying when people come to your blog for one thing and find another. Your titles should be:

  • Short (10 words or less) 
  • Intriguing
  • Guiding (e.g 10 ways to, or how to…).

7. Content that is graced with lovely pictures

You can’t go wrong with an irresistible visual appeal. Pictures are so intriguing and the right pictures will make a great blog phenomenal. As much as you can, avoid grabbing pictures off Google images to place on your blog. Have a picture-taking habit which means that take photos you see around you without any real cause. You may subsequently need those photos for a blog post. I recently bought my first DSLR camera to improve on my blog photography. As you can see, I’m still learning to take the right photos. You don’t need a DSLR camera to take your blog pictures. The best camera you have is the one in your hands so if it is your smart phone, use it diligently.

There is also a good number of picture-making and photo-editing software online that are great alternatives to Photoshop. They are free and essential tools for every blogger. Here are direct links to some of them:

8. Content with great structure

Your content should have:

1. a beginning
2. a middle
3. an end

To have a strong beginning you could ask a question, share a quote or story, state an interesting fact or describe a struggle. The intro should draw the reader in and make them want to read the rest. The middle should be the core of your post. It should include all the details you want to share. The end should be a conclusion or a call to action. It should be tied back to your introduction.

9. Content that provides value

It could be a resource list or something but your content should give your readers some kind of value. Ask yourself, “What will my readers gain after reading this?” Always think of each blog post as creating some sort of free value for people. Put your heart and soul into what you write. Give, give and give again. That’s where the real fulfillment is.

10. Content that inspires

Maybe it is one that reminds others that life is short or one that tells them that dreams come true. Your content should stir up some positive energy in the people who view it. Write to inspire someone.

11. Content that stirs emotions

It could make your readers laugh, cry or anything in between. Emotion is the one thing that makes movies memorable. You want to create content that will not be easily forgotten. People may not remember your exact words but they will always remember how your blog post made them feel.

characteristics of great blog content

So how do you create such phenomenal content?

The 3 Rs For Creating Killer Blog Content

1. Research!

Write a draft,then research. I often write a draft first so I don’t lose my ideas. Then I check similar things that have been written about the topic. That way, I gather more inspiration to build my post.

2. Read through!

One of the worse things you can do is rush over a blog post. Read through then read through some more. Each time you read through, you might find something that needs adjusting.

3. Respond

This is not necessarily based on “creating” but it is all about after creating that content. Make an effort to respond to your reader’s comments. This shows that you are human and you are present. Blogging goes beyond creating great posts. It is also about making great connections.

Every blog post you write might be the first someone sees of your blog, so do well to make it excellent.

Here are some final points to consider:

-Bookmark this page for future reference. You could scroll through it before you publish a blog post so you evaluate your post, using it as a checklist.
-Someone following you on social media might need these tips so you may want to share the post using the social media buttons above and below.
-I have quite a bit to say about blogging so be sure to check back for another detailed blogging post.

I hope this post helps in taking you to heights of blogging you have never dreamed of.

What kind of blog content appeals to you? Let’s talk below!

About Precious

Welcome to my core! I am Precious Nkeih, the recipe developer and writer right here on my blog, Precious Core. My goal is to show you insanely delicious recipes you can replicate in your kitchen. And I love to tell stories too. Hope you find recipes here that will make cooking easier for you! Check me out on YouTube at

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  1. Precious!!! Yet so precious on the eyes of My Lord!!!
    Many more blessings for what you do to enlighten your audience!
    I just stumbled on your blog, and I enjoyed it.
    Very simple and easy to follow through!!
    As a new blogger, I took many advises from this particular post.

  2. Precious!!!! Yet so precious in the eyes of my Lord!!! many more blessings to you!!!
    As a new blogger myself, I will apply these insightful tips.
    Your blog is concise and easy to follow through; and I just stumbled in it.

  3. I loved all your tips and list on what not to do. I definitley love the versatility of your posts and the passion that comes across. Thank you