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being persistent in prayer
The other night I settled down into my couch to rest after a busy day. As I grabbed my phone to take a sneak peek into social media, the alarm clock in my bedroom started alarming. This alarm clock normally starts alarming at a particular time in the night and till date I haven’t figured out how to stop it from alarming at will.
I chose to ignore the annoying beeping of the clock. The more I tried to ignore it, the more I felt disturbed by it. I didn’t want to take a trip all the way to my bedroom to turn it off because I was tired and all I wanted to do was be a couch potato.

I tried to occupy my mind with other things but after a while, my focus went back to the continually beeping alarm clock. I couldn’t pretend it wasn’t there. I had to attend to it.
In that period of listening to the alarm clock beep, I felt like God used that to teach me a message about persistence in prayers. When your request is always beeping before God like an annoying alarm clock, there is no way He is not going to answer you.
The problem we have in prayer is that we easily give up. We pray, one, two times or even ten times then we get tired and give up. Sometimes, requests get answered immediately but that doesn’t always happen. Sometimes you have to PUSH:

Don’t lose heart, my friend. Keep PUSHing until you see that thing come to pass. Can you stand someone knocking continuously on your door? Jesus taught us to knock continuously through prayer when He told the story about the friend at midnight. Luke 11: 5- 13. This friend refused to give up asking for help. 
You have to keep seeking, keep asking and keep knocking. Scripture says EVERYONE who asks receives. Luke 11: 10
That includes, you and I my friend. Be like the persistent widow in Luke 18: 1-8. She refused to give up seeking help from the judge. Her persistence was driving him crazy so he just had to attend to her. It takes faith to be so persistent.
May our prayers be so fervent that God just has to attend to us.
As I put off my alarm clock that night, I thought of the profound lesson it just taught me. More than ever before, I am challenged to continually take my requests before God; night and day, day and night.
May our prayers keep beeping in Heaven.

About Precious

Welcome to my core! I am Precious Nkeih, the recipe developer and writer right here on my blog, Precious Core. My goal is to show you insanely delicious recipes you can replicate in your kitchen. And I love to tell stories too. Hope you find recipes here that will make cooking easier for you! Check me out on YouTube at YouTube.com/PreciousKitchen.

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  1. My dear, obedience and steadfastness are not easy but so rewarding when practiced.
    Thank you for reading! I'll check out your blog.

  2. So so true. It's not easy to be honest but it is worth it. I am a living testimony to it.

    Chapter 5 of Wrong but Right is here. If you have been following, nice. If you haven't, what are you waiting for? You don't want to miss it.

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