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Some days ago, I read an article on my sister and friend’s blog, Joy2Endure which x-rayed one thing we are losing on our way to civilisation- “Born House” celebrations. Born House is the colloquial expression used in Cameroon to describe a ceremony that is (or was) usually organised to welcome a new mother and her baby. These events are usually attended by mostly elderly woman with experience in childbirth who sing interesting songs like, 

Planti eh, planti eh
Planti for pikin 
E sabi sweet
The mother is also given lots of gifts especially bars of soap best known as “savon” so she can use them to wash the baby’s clothes. The baby is passed around for others to carry. It is often a delightful event. Sadly, this tradition is fading out as many Cameroonians are now opting for the west-inspired baby showers and elaborate first anniversaries. But you know what is not fading out? The love for “Born House Planti”!
This is the meal that is symbolically eaten at Cameroonian Born House celebrations hence the name Born House Planti (Planti from Plantains). It consists of plantains cooked in palm oil, and ethnic flavours. Some people say plantains are the main ingredient  in the dish because the baby’s umbilical cord is allegedly buried under the plantain tree. So when the plantains grow, they are made into a meal, which well-wishers eat as a sign of blessing to the baby. I don’t know if this is true but one thing I know is that these plantains… they are delicious!
So after reading that interesting article, I started hearing voices in my head: “Cook Born House Planti! Cook Born House Planti!! Cook!!!” As a foodie in active service, I am not one to reject such voices so I obliged. 

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 60 mins
Total Time: 70 mins
Serves: 3

5 unripe plantains
I pound smoked fish and/or meat of choice (I used smoked goat meat)
1 cup washed bitterleaves
1 onion
A quarter cup crayfish
One and a half cup of palm oil
3 small seasoning cubes (maggi/knorr)
1 tablespoon ground ginger and garlic
“Country onions” (Also known as Ngakanga. Use one if you can find it)
Salt to taste

Here is how you make Born House on an ordinary day:

If you are using meat, bring it to a boil. If you are using only smoked fish, bring your peeled plantains to boil instead. If you are using really soft meat, bring to boil together with peeled plantains. Your water level should be slightly above that of your meat.
I used dried bitterleaves so I had to soak them in water for a while. However, if your bitterleaves are fresh, no need to do this. If you can’t find bitterleaves, use kale. They are slightly bitter and will still give you that bitterleaf effect. If you don’t want any slightly bitter taste, my sister/brother just use spinach. So soak your leaves if they are dried. You can even do this the night before if you remember to.
Peel you plantains and cut each into two. Some people leave the plantains as they are. I love cutting mine. Your meat should be boiling by now,
Throw in your peeled plantains. Emphasis on throw.
Then the palm oil goes right in.
Add the bitterleaves:
Chop onion and throw in.
Cover the pot and let that pot of goodness cook together. Then you add the crayfish, maggi, spices and pepper (if using).
Cover again and while it cooks, sing and dance, “Planti eh, planti eh. Planti for pikin e sabi sweet!” Make sure you dance. Good things are happening.
Open pot and taste to adjust seasonings. It’s Born House chez toi!
When the planti sits for a while, the oil begins to show forth. What is Born House Planti without oyel?

Avoid stirring the pot as much as you can while cooking. Hold both sides of the pot and shake to make ingredients distribute evenly. If you must stir, do so with a wooden spoon.
If you wish, add tomatoes to yours. I prefer mine without.
Happy born housing!

About Precious

Welcome to my core! I am Precious Nkeih, the recipe developer and writer right here on my blog, Precious Core. My goal is to show you insanely delicious recipes you can replicate in your kitchen. And I love to tell stories too. Hope you find recipes here that will make cooking easier for you! Check me out on YouTube at

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  1. I really needed this recipe. my son born house is on saturday 12 of August 2017. That one of the dishes i want to cook. he is 9months old๐Ÿ˜‚i guess he is an old baby but to me is still my new baby. i will use your recipe. Thanks sp much for always shearing. i miss home for sure

  2. I did this last Saturday, but because I couldn't lay hands on bitter leaves I used fresh spinach and it was very tasty. I still miss the one with bitter leaves though

  3. You are right sis! Contri onion is the real deal in this planti. Thanks for leaving a comment… for some weird reason your comment was categorised as spam so I only saw it now before publishing.

  4. Oooh original recipe of born house planti! That country onion flavour coupled with the bitterleaf is what makes it born house planting. In other versions, the bitterleaf is put whole

    1. Yes ooo In Ngie where I come from, the bitter leaf is put whole and not too washed so that it still has that bitter taste.
      That’s even our traditional dish

  5. Hahahahaha only you can add a spin to this. Didn't know about the umbilical cord and plantain history just learnt something but you are right born house planti sabi sweet!
    Wetted my appetite ah get for cook born house planti. Thanks for the reference Sis. Love the article and that planti is so, so tempting!