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Hello my lovelies, I’m taking a break from recipe posting today because I want us to chit-chat about things that will be awesome to do this weekend. Here is my bucket list and hopefully you can share yours too below.

1. Call my “necessary people”.

My devotional this morning reminded me about “noticing my necessary people”. I have two friends that have been HUGE blessings in my life. We haven’t spoken in ages. This day, I just want to call them and talk and appreciate them.

2. Call family.

I need to call my mama (she still calls me her baby and it feels so good!) And my sisters, and brothers and my two teenage “adopted” daughters who live with my mom. I should tell the story of how these girls came into my life. They are awesome and I miss them so much. I do not intend to make my calls long though because sometimes a single phone call could eat up a huge part of my day. That doesn’t go without me sounding like I’m in a war with someone because the girls need me most when I’m on the phone. Why?

3. Get everything set up for YouTube.

I haven’t posted a YouTube video in a while now because I’ve been working on making my videos better. That means lots of shopping and going through ideas with Mr N. Hopefully, we get everything set up this weekend then we can start shooting again.

4. Finish a book

I intend to spend m nights finishing up a book I’ve been reading by Lysa Terkeurst called, “Uninvited”. So much truth in that book.

5. Have fun with the kiddos

I want to have some intentional play time with the girlies. Still thinking of what it will be. Maybe a short trip somewhere?

6. Shop!

I have a bit off shopping to do this weekend and I’m not complaining.

7. Plan for next week.

I’m totally falling in love with writing down all the things I plan on doing. It helps so much. And I love the feeling when I check things off my to-do list.

8. Relax.

I am appreciating the importance of rest more and more. I am the kind of person who just wants to work till sleep arrests me. But I’m finding that the more I rest, the more productive I am.

That’s it for my weekend, guys. What’s yours going to look like? Anything planned? Any words of wisdom?

About Precious

Welcome to my core! I am Precious Nkeih, the recipe developer and writer right here on my blog, Precious Core. My goal is to show you insanely delicious recipes you can replicate in your kitchen. And I love to tell stories too. Hope you find recipes here that will make cooking easier for you! Check me out on YouTube at

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  1. I hope you had fun and stuff doing all the things in your bucket list. Was there room for Mr.Linus? The bucket was so full 🙂
    Weekend was lazy for me but good.
    Looking forward to this next weekend as I had a few things planned.

    1. I know right??
      Can’t believe it’s over too. Thank God I was able to get almost everything done. I think writing them down in a blog post was a huge motivation.

  2. Did i read shopping? Lol…. I love shopping. In all you said, there is need to plan your weekend…

    May you achieve what you have planned for the weeekned.

  3. Quite a lot on your list, the Lord is your muscle. It’s just the children and I this weekend, hubby won’t be around.
    I ll assist my first girl with her school project and do some shopping.
    I ll try and sleep as much as I can as well, so help me God. Amen.

  4. Interesting post! I like every item on your list. Calling the necessary people is so important, I did that last Sunday and it felt so good!

    My weekend is going to be a busy but interesting one. Got some errands to do and a programme to attend. Enjoy your weekend!

    PS: I was a bit disappointed not to see a picture of food today o. Lol. But it’s all good. 🙂