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Merry Christmas!!!

“It’s that wonderful time of the year.” Or better still, it’s that wonderful day of the year. On this day, my mom would stand out of the house and shout, “happy! happy! happy! happy!” It was her way of saying Merry Christmas to the neighbours. I wonder if she still does that.

Anywayyyy, I wanted to drop by here and leave a quick note for you about this day that is widely celebrated. Hmmm Christmas…

Friend, Christmas is not about Santa, the parties, the gifts, the endless cooking, shopping and exhaustion from many activities. When you make it all about these things, you get overwhelmed. And an overwhelmed scheduled will lead to the sadness of an underwhelmed soul.

Christmas is about Jesus the Christ. It is about reflecting and appreciating the One who left His glory and came down to this sinful earth just for YOU.

It is about the most beautiful love story ever. How much God loves us that He sent His only son to the world to save us from our sin. In this season, don’t focus on ticking off all the things on your to-do list. Focus on falling in love with Christ, the lover of your soul.

I pray that we will see how much He loves us, that we will accept that love and that we will live for Him.

I would like to ask you these pertinent questions: Do you have a relationship with the Lord? What if you die today – Are you sure of spending eternity with Him? Will it be heaven or hell for you?

If you are unsure about your answers to the above questions, I urge you to invite Christ into your life. Having a relationship with God is the single most important thing that any human can have. It is the most important aspect of my life. It is the one thing I treasure above all else.

Nothing can fill God’s place in your life. If you feel like you are “missing something”, it is probably that deep relationship with Him. You can go to Him today. Do not postpone the decision to live for God. He is waiting for you with open arms.

All you need to do is open your mouth and talk to Him like a friend. Invite Him to come into your life. Go ahead and give Him your YES. That’s the best yes you will ever say. Then cultivate a habit of daily reading His word and letting that word guide how you live.

Christmas reminds us that Christ came into the world, to come into our lives. As the entire world celebrates today, I pray that there will be Christ in your Christmas.

Be blessed.

About Precious

Welcome to my core! I am Precious Nkeih, the recipe developer and writer right here on my blog, Precious Core. My goal is to show you insanely delicious recipes you can replicate in your kitchen. And I love to tell stories too. Hope you find recipes here that will make cooking easier for you! Check me out on YouTube at

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  1. This is beautiful!
    Thank you Jesus for the price you paid. I pray more and more people will come to know Him and desire an intimate relationship with Him.
    Merry Christmas Precious and a fulfilling new year in advance. Xx

    1. I pray so too. There is nothing as fulfilling as knowing Him.
      Merry Christmas, dear. May the upcoming year be a blessed one for you.

  2. Merry Christmas mum Precious!
    Love the message. It’s all about Jesus!

    P.s Is that your Christmas hair? Looks super good on you.