Published Nov 05, 2015
Updated Apr 27, 2017
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As a woman, it is unwise to abandon the responsibility of building your home to your husband or some other person. The Bible says a wise woman builds her home but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands- Proverbs 14:1. Money can buy temporal things but it takes a deep relationship with God and a lot of commitment to build a strong home. Let’s look at some ways in which we can build better homes as women.
Let your family be devoted to God and spend time together seeking Him. In building a home, no foundation is stronger than the foundation of Christ- 1 Corinthians 3:11. I noticed that even in homes where the husband is a pastor, it still takes a fervent godly woman for the family to have a devoted Bible study and prayer time. Pray with your husband- it will help you bond together sweetly as a couple. I feel closer to Mr. N when we pray together. Praying together just brings this unbeatable bond. Pray with your kids and read the Word to them. Your kids are watching you and seeing how you relate to God. Make sure you are standing on the solid rock because even the best parenting book ever written can not surpass the Bible.
Be thankful for what you have rather than querulous about what you don’t have. When you keep thinking of what you don’t have, you will demonstrate an undesirable character. That’s why scripture says it is better to dwell at a rooftop than to dwell with a nagging wife-Proverbs 25:24 If you always want to find something to complain about, you will see many. On the other hand, if you always want to find something to be thankful about, you will certainly find many. Dwell your thoughts on the positive and that will help you create a light atmosphere no matter what happens. Please read Philippians 4:8.
Stir a joyful mood into your home. It takes stress off. Play some music and dance silly with your husband and/or kids. I do this from time to time. Let there be laughter in your home because laughter is good medicine. It shouldn’t always be a tense and serious atmosphere. Get some humour on- Proverbs 17:22. To tell you the truth, some worries fly away when you laugh. Yes, laughter is that powerful. So, let your home be a haven and not an oven.
Make yourself lovely everyday. Greet your husband door with a warm hug (and some sweet kisses). Squeeze his shoulders when he is stressed. Massage his hands and whisper, “I love you” in his ears. These are little things that when you do intentionally will bring a spark to your marriage.
Use your time wisely. You can’t spend a major part of your day on frivolities. With social media these days, you have to deliberate about not spending too much time on the internet. Time your stay on the web and be strict about it so you don’t keep browsing and clicking without adding any real value to your life. Sometimes just put off the computer, TV, phone, etc and dwell on your home. Don’t let the distractions of this world keep you from focusing on the right things.
Let your home be clean and inviting. With kids, this can be a bit of a challenge but you do not want your home to be in competition with hysacam (the garbage truck). Let things be kept in particular places. Teach your kids at an early age to arrange their stuff. They should not get used to removing their clothes and dumping them anywhere in the house until you find them to take to the closet/wardrobe. Teach them responsibility early (Proverbs 22:6). Having kids should not be an excuse to having a dirty home.
Make sure you are at the forefront of building your home. Even if you have maids or people that help you, please don’t fall back and allow them run the affairs of your home. Remember, it is you home, YOUR responsibility. Spend quality years with your kids and be intentional about it. If you miss the early years, you will never get them back. If you have no help, rise up and handle your home. You can do it!
Also, be smart, informed, proactive.You must not be a know-it-all but have some knowledge. Contribute this knowledge to the running of your home. Men like women who can contribute intelligently to issues.
Men are naturally bothered about finances. Some are always thinking about the financial future of the family. Make him aware that it is your priority too. When he sees you as a waster and a shopping spree fanatic it is not good. Seek ways to manage your money. The Bible says the virtuous woman laughs at the time to come because she has planned for the days ahead- Proverbs 31:25
Let your family be bonded together. Do not encourage sibling rivalry. Don’t favour one kid more than others. It is not good to sew seeds of discord among your kids.
Lean on Jesus because that is the pillar you need. A WOMAN WHO BUILDS HER HOME ON CHRIST WILL BUILD AN EXCELLENT HOME.
Good read
Please I’m confused about something. Someone was told by a Man of God,the lady he’s in a relationship with is not his wife but his builder. I don’t understand this statement. Is there a difference between a builder and a wife?
God bless you dear. I pray for inspiration in Jesus name amen
Good lesson, keep it up. We pray by the grace of God that, women will put this insight into good use. Kindly keep me tune with more lessons like this through my email below, thank you.
I truly love it and I have learnt a lot bless u
Thank you for this message. I just found your blog and in my head you’re my big sister because I’m learning so much from you.
Awww glad to know Imma! God bless.
I totally love being a wife and Mum. Is it easy? No. It could be overwhelming but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Thanks for adding your voice to this, Sis.
Well said sis. I pray women see the value of being a wife and mum. Knowing it's possible to be like the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31. So we can do all things (loving wives n mum, working from home or out yet keeping the balance, and being true ambassadors of Christ) through Christ. Thanks for letting us know we can as well. More grace.
Hi Lucy, I pray many women get uplifted by this too. I am doing great, sister. How are you?
Thanks for stopping by!
Wow!! well said precious Nkeih. God bless you for this.
I pray women will put this excellent teaching to practice.
how are you doing???? have a wonderful day.