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Marriage has seasons. In some seasons, you are all lovey dovey and thanking God for blessing you with the sweetest spouse. In some seasons, you look at your partner and wonder how on earth you ended up with such a person. Either way, it is helpful to often search ways to make your marriage stronger because a great marriage is the result of intentional building. Here are 5 ways you can make your bond stronger:


Prayer is so powerful and it should not be underestimated. When I spend time with God in prayer, I am spurred to be a better person and that includes being a better wife. Prayer also helps me to let go of hurts I won’t normally let go of. It helps me to fix my eyes on what really matters. The place of prayer is where I deal with issues. Honestly I don’t jump to prayer all the time but when I do, there is tremendous power. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF PRAYER.
In our society, going on dates is like a distant cousin to married couples. However, this can work wonders in a relationship. If you have kids, ask someone to watch them for a while and then go somewhere just the two of you. It doesn’t have to be an expensive restaurant or anything like that. If you can afford spending much then do so. However, if you can’t don’t feel limited. You can hold hands and take a stroll in a beautiful place. You can sit down and watch the sun set, whispering sweet ‘nothings’ into each other’s ears. If you have kids and can’t find a babysitter to watch them while you go out, have some time at home together. When they go to sleep, sit down, put your phone away and have some intentional time with each other.
You remember those days when love was fresh and warm? Then you could do so much for love. Think of something you did back then that your partner really liked and do it again.
There is so much power in saying thank you. Appreciate your partner for the lovely things they do. Don’t take what they do for granted. When someone hears “thank you” they feel different. So let your partner hear those words over and over again.
It could be volunteering, sports, cooking or anything of interest to you. When you work together, you bond beautifully.
BONUS POINT: Laugh together. Sometimes eh, Mr N and I would laugh hard over something silly. We would tease each other and that just creates an atmosphere of joy in the home. A sense of humour works wonders in marriage. Don’t be tight and serious all the time.
Some people say a marriage can only work when two people are working hard at it. I’ll like to disagree because sometimes one partner will strive more than the other to make it work. Maybe it is you reading this. Don’t get discouraged. You are doing the right thing because marriage is a sacred and important thing.
What other little things can be done to make a marriage stronger? Please share with us, below.

About Precious

Welcome to my core! I am Precious Nkeih, the recipe developer and writer right here on my blog, Precious Core. My goal is to show you insanely delicious recipes you can replicate in your kitchen. And I love to tell stories too. Hope you find recipes here that will make cooking easier for you! Check me out on YouTube at

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  1. I find it very difficult to forgive someone who has cheated more than ones for the sake of the marriage. It’s a big battle that I am trying to fight Precious. This has taken away the important factor in marriage called TRUST. He’s seems not to understand my dilemma and this is leading this marriage to rocks.

    1. I’m so sorry to hear this, dear. Forgiveness is hard but it is something we must do because it sets us free from the prison of bitterness and resentment. Forgiveness doesn’t validate the wrong your partner did but it just helps you have peace. I pray God will enable you to forgive and have peace even though it might be so hard. God bless you, dear.

  2. Thanks for these wonderful pieces dear !
    I came across this on my Anniversary . I start applying them now.

  3. Waooo so inspiring, thanks a million for the advice I will put it in practice. Actually am married and the relationship is too serious and distant compared to when we were dating, I don’t know why and don’t really understand but am happy I fell on these points of urs, they will help big time

    1. Hi Melvis, the vibrant love that is always present at the beginning of a relationship often fades away. That’s why we have to work hard and nourish or marriages. Love in marriage is something you have to intentionally choose everyday. I pray your marriage blossoms and gets sweeter than it has ever been.

  4. That is the spirit girl. A great write up. U never disappoint. I love every post of yours. Keep them coming. Also whispering sweet little nothing in each other's ear brings giggles and happiness.

  5. Hi Esther,

    Learning to say sorry quickly is really important. Thanks for stopping by and dropping a comment. Have an awesome week!

  6. I am not married yet but I bet these points will help even in long term relationships. There are some moments I feel all loved up, there are other moments I just hate that I am in a relationship.

    I also suggest that married couples learn to say sorry quickly. When both of you make up your mind to objectively see reasons why to say sorry and move on quickly, it becomes easier to manage the crises when they come up.

    Nice post.