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A Cameroonian delicacy: Fufu, Njamanjama and Kati Kati
Hello lovelies, how has the week started for you all? Before I continue, let me just ask any mother (especially of toddlers) this question: how do you do it??? Am I the only one that feels like all the sins chores in the world are upon me? Am I the only one who is constantly tired? Am I the only one who always has something pressing to do? Am I the only who sometimes feel like she may lose it? Am I the only one??? Motherhood is tedious… so hard yet so fulfilling. How I still manage to write blog posts is like a miracle to me. I’m always writing posts in my head but how do I get the time to transfer all those posts to the blog? I sometimes wish my musings will automatically transfer to a computer screen. If only wishes were horses…

Okay lovelies, this week I decided to start something new. A segment entitled, ” Here’s What’s Up!” slated for every Monday in which I’ll share the highlights of my week. I go through lots of exciting things every week which I think will be nice to document with pictures. I hope this goes down well with us.
The past week has been eventful for me. Whoop! Whoop! I signed up as an independent beauty consultant for Mary Kay. This is so exciting for me because I looooove beauty makeovers. When I ‘stumbled’ on a Mary Kay makeover, I knew it was something I would love to do. The best part is that Mary Kay products are so authentic. When you apply the foundation for instance, you see your face transform right before your eyes. So, if you are in my area, holla me for a makeover!
Still talking about Mary Kay, I had one of the most relaxing evenings I have had in a long time. I was invited by my director for a night of dessert and coffee at a historical restaurant. Here’s the gist: I first took a picture with the other Mary Kay consultants outside the restaurant. As we went in, a man all dressed up in a black suit greeted us with a very welcoming face. Then we got seated in a classy room, chatted and got to know each other. Our greeter man came to tell us some stories about the restaurant which was built in the 1870s. The stories were interesting and tad creepy but told in the most humourous way. Then the man showed us around. See some pics below…
The wine room in the basement of the building
This is what I ate: Chocolate Cake…
My director had this: Deconstructed Banana Cream Pie
A chandelier in the historic building
My Recruiter had this: Caramel blah blah something
I did some serious sports this weekend. Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! I had tried my hands at Tennis and I barely hit the ball. But last weekend, I nailed it! Mr. N taught me how to get it right. It was so much fun to play it well. I didn’t want the game to end. After that, My oldest said, “You and daddy played tennis for a loooong time…” Lol. She got tired of keeping her baby sister happy while waiting for us to get done with the game. Playing tennis with Mr. N was a great way of bonding as a couple. See some pics below…
We finished when it was getting dark

Meanwhile, fall has officially begun-

I stumbled on some fresh groundnuts at the farmers’ market. I boiled them and they tasted just like ‘contri groundnut’ (village peanuts). The next time I find these treasures, I will buy the whole merchandise!
‘Kontri Granut’

Also bought some fresh Njamanjama (huckleberry in Cameroon) from the farmers market. I used it to cook the stir fry you see at the beginning of this post.

In church this Sunday, we started a series captioned, “This is how we change the world.” In the following weeks, we will be learning practical things to do to become more like Jesus.
This is me in church:

Baby Y attended the babies’ church for the first time. She adapted well… didn’t make a fuss.

Yes, I had a super duper week! How was yours?

About Precious

Welcome to my core! I am Precious Nkeih, the recipe developer and writer right here on my blog, Precious Core. My goal is to show you insanely delicious recipes you can replicate in your kitchen. And I love to tell stories too. Hope you find recipes here that will make cooking easier for you! Check me out on YouTube at

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  1. Awww this my sis. Thanks for your sweet words oo. Na wona get the real contri fowl noh, with enough body odour. Lol

  2. That contri njamajama na de eye!
    You do have a way with transforming people and making them actually feel like they are with you.
    Love it great read. Send ma own katikati ee shine well well 🙂