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Hey you! I have missed you so much. Yes, you! I enjoyed my time off from being super active on the blog and on social media. I’m glad I could take out time to enjoy my new baby, feed her and give her all the kisses I can. I’m also glad I am back to continue creating content here on the blog.

Let me tell you: newborn baby smell is the best! I think I have said it here before but I just want to say again that the smell you inhale from a newborn baby is so soothing. I have weirdly smelled baby Essie more times than I can count.

I have also been constantly reflecting on being a mother of four. Like how did that happen?? I love all my little ones with a passion that can’t be fully explained in words. Happy is he who has his quiver full of them!

During my break, I tried to sleep while the baby slept (you know that advice they give new moms?) so I could have enough energy to snuggle her and feed her while she was up.

I also ate a lot of meals made by Mr. N, one of which was some out-of-this-world groundnut soup which I ate again and again. And I ate a lot of breakfasts in bed, most of which included homemade-like bread from a local bakery around us. I drank a lot of hot chocolate.

I ate a lot and I am still eating a lot of things because you know, a nursing mama needs calories to sustain breastfeeding her baby. In other words, I now have the perfect excuse to keep fitting things into my mouth.

And let me tell you: baby Essie is a FOODIE. She takes her breastmilk pretty seriously. I hope she carries this enthusiasm for food into the later months when she begins eating solids.

Sadly, I got sick during my break and stayed in the hospital for 3 days. But I am very fine now. Thank God!

The amazing thing is that during my hospital stay, Mr. N had to take care of baby Essie. It was his first time ever to care for a newborn. He stayed with her all through my hospital stay, feeding her pumped breastmilk and I must say he did a pretty good job.

It’s amazing how life’s circumstances could reveal things you can do that you never imagined you could do. I never imagined my husband could be such an efficient babysitter. He never thought so too.

But the hospital admission gave us an opportunity to see what we never thought was possible. Some troubles are blessings in disguise.

My baby is already one-month old. How time flies!

So, I’m back guys. I’m ready to continue sharing all the food stories and other stories with you here. Also looking forward to YouTube videos!

Tell me, what recipe do you want me to share this year?

About Precious

Welcome to my core! I am Precious Nkeih, the recipe developer and writer right here on my blog, Precious Core. My goal is to show you insanely delicious recipes you can replicate in your kitchen. And I love to tell stories too. Hope you find recipes here that will make cooking easier for you! Check me out on YouTube at YouTube.com/PreciousKitchen.

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