Published Aug 17, 2016
Updated Apr 26, 2017
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One of the best things you can do for your marriage is to make conscious efforts show love to your man. Here are 13 ways:
1. Wake him up with back rubs and kisses.
Don’t just wake up and go your way. Spend some time to rub his back and smooch. That way he wakes up feeling loved. How sweet!
P.S: The kisses must not necessarily be on his lips oo. In the morning the mouth might not always favour kissing due to the bacteria-related things that happen when the mouth is closed. You could lovingly plant French kisses on his cheeks and neck.
2. Pray with him and for him. Lovingly ask him if he has a minute. Then hold his hands and pray a sincere prayer for him and for your relationship.
3. Call him just to let him know that you are thinking of him and you love him. Don’t just call to remind him to grab some milk on his way back. Call to say I love you.
4. Watch his favourite TV show with him. Mr N likes watching some documentaries I find really weird. I don’t like watching them but once in a while, I’ll look at the screen for a few minutes and even make comments about the documentary.
5. Put his head on your laps and gently rub it while watching TV together. This is a little gesture that works wonders. (Read: 5 little ways to make a marriage stronger)
6. Look into his eyes for about ten seconds and smile. This look is worth a thousand words.
7. Have a shower together. We used to do this a lot when we just got married. We still do once in a while. It is a great way to bond.
8. Make some morning tea or coffee for him. I like making some green tea for my man in the morning. Always puts a smile on his face.
9. Don’t get angry when you have every right to be.
The other day, I had like a very legitimate reason to be angry because Mr N came very late to pick the girls and I up from the library. I chose not to rant about it even though we had planned a pick up time together. Surprisingly, the skies didn’t fall. Some things just have to be let go so that the atmosphere of love is not disrupted. (Good reads: When you do not forgive your spouse, Do not let the sun go down on your anger)
10. Flirt with him. Whisper things in his ears, hold his hands and give him spontaneous kisses. Even make him shy sometimes. He’s your man after all.
11. Choose not to talk badly about him to others.
12. Encourage him with scripture. Tell him the things that are written in the word of God that will boost him. Be his cheerleader. Motivate him to love God more. This is one of the best things you can do for him because marriage points us to the bigger picture which is Christ’s relationship with the church.
13. Cook a special meal for him and set it up stylishly. Get some super awesome aperitive meal ideas here.
Do you know any other ways we can show love to our husbands? Please share below.
To marriages that last!
Wow this content is so great I really enjoyed every bit of it especially the prayer and rubbing. Thank you so much for sharing and may God continue keep your marriage and I will love to learn more
I suprised my husband once on a regular day by sendibg cupcakes to his office with inscription “I love you”
Awww that’s so sweet!
I can see that i have a lot to learn and do. God help me o cos i tend to get angry almost all the time he goes wrong and i can be like that for days until the anger in my heart comes down.
Roseline, I pray God helps you understand and control your anger. The Bible says anger is like a little madness. Sometimes when we stay angry, we give room to the devil. Some things are just not worth it. God bless you, dear.
I love your comment about not getting mad when you have every right to be! Usually when I let it go, my husband realizes that he goofed up and will apologize. If I get upset, he gets defensive. Like you said, sometimes just let it go! ๐
So true, Claire! Sometimes he could get defensive when you get upset then you’ll get more upset because he’s defensive. It could quickly become a vicious circle. Thanks for stopping by, Claire.