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1. Food photography. When I started a blog, I didn’t think I would need to learn photography – all I wanted to do was write. But down the line, an awesome sister who runs a food blog told me about the need to step up my pictures. So I purchased a DSLR camera and since then, I’ve been taking lots of pictures. It’s been quite a learning curve for me and some days I feel like crying. But I’m loving it. How do you like the tangerines in the photo?

2. Toddler mischief. My 2-year old rubbed body cream all over her body when she got the chance to be in the room with no one watching. She looked like juju calabar (a masquerade) when I saw her.

toddler mischief

3. Pinterest. Is anyone here pinterested? Still trying to make it work for me. You can follow me here.

4. Cameroon needs our prayers. Anglophone Cameroonians are holding a ghost town today and tomorrow as part of protests against marginalisation. Please pray for God’s hand to be upon us. Coincidentally, today is Martin Luther King day. I love how non-violent his protests were. My prayer is that as we continue to fight for justice, our protests will be non-violent and we will choose love over hate.

5. Birthday things. My oldest turns six this week! I can’t believe I will soon be the mother of a six-year-old. How did my life fly this fast? I’m planning a photo shoot with all three girls. Any ideas?

6. Minimalism. That’s almost all I’m thinking off right now. I want to be completely free of every junk and clutter in my life. I am starting with my kitchen and the kinds of food I purchase and eat. I will put up a post about it tomorrow. I want to live light so that I can be more.

7. Giveaway! Because it’s the beginning of the year and I love you, I am giving away $50 (fifty dollars) to one amazing reader. If you could use some cash in your life, enter now. Entry is solely by commenting on this post. Leave a comment below telling us elaborately how you discovered this blog. The winner will be randomly selected and announced next Monday January 23, right here on this post.

Update on January 23

Giveaway winner: The winner is Dominika. Please send an email (using the email address you comment with) with your full names and location to

Live loved this week. โ™ฅ

About Precious

Welcome to my core! I am Precious Nkeih, the recipe developer and writer right here on my blog, Precious Core. My goal is to show you insanely delicious recipes you can replicate in your kitchen. And I love to tell stories too. Hope you find recipes here that will make cooking easier for you! Check me out on YouTube at

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  1. The photography on this blog is becoming top notch.Glad you took the step towards making it better.I found your blog through SisiYemmie’s blog and I’m so glad I did.
    As for the $50 do you know how much a dollar is to a naira here?Hian!I need it biko lemme nor!!

  2. Hi presh,lovely blog, I’ve been a silent follower and I enjoy all ur posts. I found u via a post on bellanaija where u made Popsicle chocolates or something if sort. I could do with the $50 fold *winks*

    1. Hi Mobola,
      Glad to hear from you! Interesting to see that you came from the chocolate popsicles post. Please be silent no more.

  3. Haha…. Almost rolling on the floor laughing at the body cream debacle. The joys of motherhood must be numerous. Love the tangerine shot. And yes I could do with $50, how did I find you? Well you found me first and left a comment on my blog. Thank you ?

    Damiloves blog

  4. I sooooo love the pic of your lil girl with cream smeared all over her. I can imagine the expression on your face and reaction when you saw her…….hahahahaha. Every kid kinda goes through that phase.

    I discovered on facebook via a friend. I have been an avid reader of blogs especially But your writing style and content caught my attention. I just had to go through old posts and I had a good laugh. I was even more amazed and proud that it was run by a fellow Cameroonian and Christian. The things I have learnt on this blog……….words fail me to express. God bless you real good.

    I am praying and hoping I win this.

    1. I know P. She just destroyed a whole bottle of cream like that!
      So glad to have you hear dear. Thanks for your sweet words!

  5. To be honest, I can’t remember precisely where I first found you. I visit a lot of blogs but if I had to pick I would say Sdk or sisiyemmie. Most likely Sdk.
    What I remember though is how much of a good writer I thought you were when I read your posts, and how much the first giving birth story cracked me up. I will always remember that story.
    OK bye.

    1. If I could get a dollar for every time you praised that story…
      Thanks dear. Thanks for being my sweet sweet friend. Hope to meet you someday.

  6. I discovered this precious core on Facebook. I made my first successful fish roll that I brought to a party. It was barely a minute and all was gone. Just yesterday I did the soya recipe. Although my guests came from a party, they could not resist my soya.

  7. Everybody can do with 50$ Dollars Presh!
    I love the tangerine photo and I love how many people are embracing minimalism – yes to getting rid of clutter! Like you, I haven’t been able to fully figure out pinterest. Found your blog via the comment you left on mine, and I’m glad I did! || Bloglovin’!
    2016 in Blogging, 2017 Goals (+ a genuine thank you!)

  8. Hi Precious, I could use some cash too, but whoever wins the giveaway, congrats in advance. This is my first giveaway entry in life wow, I’m excited.

    I discovered your blog through You left a comment and I clicked the link.

    I’ve been trying most of your recipes since then. I also love your free spirited writing and open nature; so down to earth. I must confess, your photography game is really strong too. All the best with your blog and family now and always.

  9. I discovered this blog when I needed to make puff-puff DEC 8 2016, it was indeed a God sent blog because have tried it numerous times but couldn’t get the shape. Have been trying your recipes since then and it has been great. nice works.

  10. Dear Precious I really love your food photography,I would give you an A+ any day any time because your food photographs are always so clear,bright,natural and lovely.btw,that tangerine picture above looks great,you really do know how to make me crave just at mere looking at your food rock Precious.Unto the giveaway,I’m so excited, I discovered your blog on Wednesday August 31st 2016 Cheecheelive blog,a blog by a Nigerian Igbo Lady who blogs about makeup,life and motherhood.I read your comments on on a post titled”whats is been happening-I gave up”a post she narrated how she gave up on exclusive breastfeeding with her second daughter named Emmanuella,she started incorperating baby cereals into her baby’s food.and your comment on that post was “Awww look at her cute lips!
    I know that feeling of relief when
    you are no longer breastfeeding.
    Carrying a diaper bag around is not
    easy but you’ll get used to it with
    The important thing is mommy and
    baby are happy. Looks like you have
    her feeding nicely planned out. Kisses
    to her”.God bless you Precious and I hope I win the giveaway.

    1. Awww you are making me blush, D. I am still perfecting my food photography though – one step at a time. Interesting to see how you found me.