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2001. That’s the year when I opted to study French at high school level. As if my inability to go beyond “bonjour” and “comment ça va” wasn’t enough. I took the plunge and sat in a class where I would be taught in French, study novels in French and delve into the intricacies of a language that didn’t come naturally to me.

Every other person in my French class hailed from a French-speaking area in Cameroon: Douala, Yaounde, Bafoussam. My little life had involved shuttling between Bamenda and Buea, where English and pidgin English were the parlances. True, I had spent some time in Yaounde. But not enough time to learn French adequately.

I was so bummed in that class. I couldn’t laugh at the jokes that were told. I couldn’t communicate. I was a complete alien. A disheveled mess. I sat there hoping. Hoping that one day my breakthrough would come and I would understand French.

My breakthrough came. But not the way I expected it to.

My teacher met my mother at the market place in the big city, away from my boarding school which was located in the outskirts of that city. He complained to her about my inability to comprehend the language. Actually, it wasn’t just a complaint. It was sprinkled with sarcasm.

My mother relayed that information about my inadequacies to me. Once she told me, something in me was stirred. I decided to proof my teacher wrong. I decided to start learning French like I had never done. I started from the ABCs of the language with a book, entitled “Basic French” as my guide.

In the evening during the compulsory reading time in school called “preps”, I would flip through the tattered pages of my foundational book. I studied French more than I studied History (and I studied History a lot). I had a deep-seated determination in me that I would learn French and I would succeed in French exams.

Months later, when we wrote mock GCE examinations, I had a higher grade than everyone else in my class. Than everyone else who was fluent in French. I could see the shock on my teacher’s face when he announced the results.

That was a breakthrough moment for me. I have had similar breakthrough moments. Like when a supposed movie director eyeballed me and said I could not act. Then he saw me in a local(very local) TV commercial and was completely wowed.

Like when I started this blog and it didn’t make much sense to some. Yet they have seen it grow into something authentic, strong and real.

When you consistently fight for what you believe in and work hard towards achieving your goal success comes. Whether that goal is passing a French exam or building a blog.

To think that sitting in a room, computer in hand, bringing words to life would bring me these many blessings… Even when it seemed like no one was reading, I kept writing. I kept sharing. I kept doing everything I could to make this space grow. I have fought for my ideas with undying passion and commitment. And there’s nothing like seeing results.

I have discovered that even when you are in the right place, doing the right thing, you still have to fight. You still have to kick doors to open. You still have to push. You can’t just lay around and expect things to happen.

Writing here and making videos for YouTube are things I have worked hard at solely because I believe in God’s plan for me. I believe in me so much that I just can’t stop being who I was meant to be. I can’t stop allowing my pen to speak, sharing from my life and heart, sharing recipes, writing about relationships and all the things that I get prompted to write about.

I wake up in the morning with a great sense of purpose and fulfillment. I’m on a journey to dying empty and Precious Core is a HUGE part of that journey.

To you reading this, you have no idea how grateful I am to have you in this space. It is my prayer that you find a passion that makes you excited about waking up in the morning. I have found my purpose which I’m fulfilling one blog post/recipe at a time. It is my prayer that you find yours and travel down that road.

Whether it is a French teacher or a local movie director, the voices of discouragement will be all around you. But you must choose to enthusiastically act upon what you believe in. Dreams do come true – but only when they are worked for.

May 2017 be a year of living fully for you. May you unleash your potentials and become that somebody that God made you to be. Above all, may you enjoy a blossoming relationship with your Creator. Because there’s really nothing like living for God.

And on this note, I say Happy New Year to you, my friend. Thanks for always visiting Precious Core. There are much more exciting things (aka videos, blog posts and recipes) to come in 2017 and I can’t wait to go on this journey with you.

P.S. No “Here’s What’s Up” this week – this post takes its place. It will be back on Monday.


About Precious

Welcome to my core! I am Precious Nkeih, the recipe developer and writer right here on my blog, Precious Core. My goal is to show you insanely delicious recipes you can replicate in your kitchen. And I love to tell stories too. Hope you find recipes here that will make cooking easier for you! Check me out on YouTube at YouTube.com/PreciousKitchen.

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  1. Thank you for the inspiration Precious. I’m so glad I found your blog. “Even when you’re in the right place, doing the right thing, you still have to fight” So true.
    It’s so nice and encouraging to see another Cameroonian do her thing. I hope there is so much more amazing blessing coming for you dear. Happy 2017!
    Sauniya | Find Your Bliss ♡

  2. And all I could do after reading was smile. Before I used to think as long as I’m walking in God’s will, everything will work out fine and dandy, till I realized that even in God’s will, one has to fight the good fight of faith. I remember when I started writing too, I actually didn’t have God in mind the way I flood my blog with him now and so I’m grateful I get to please him with the gift He has placed in me. I pray the new year brings you beautiful things, beyond your wildest dreams. Amen.

    1. Amen!
      Even on the way to the promised land, there is still the wilderness. God’s way us not always easy and/or fast. May He empower us to trust Him as we take every step. Amen.

  3. There was jst something abt this post that stirred my soul as i read on. Your authenticity and passion for what u do is evident. Happy new year my sis!